Benefits of buying used gifts for your kids

It's hard to believe, but Christmas isn't that far off.  Some years it sneaks up on me.  Other years, I'm totally prepared.  The one thing that is consistent is that we really like to give more than we get. We started out as a very young family and early on set a $50 Christmas gift limit for our kids.  We didn't want our kids getting consumed by wish lists and having Christmas be all about them.  We wanted them to be thinking of others.
Because we have set this limit on Christmas gifts, I've had to get creative.  Especially as they get older.  There are things that they have really desired, but that haven't been in the budget. I wanted to share some of the benefits that we have found because we have bought used gifts for our kids.
It's not uncommon for our kids to find gifts that I have found at garage sales under the tree.  I actually see a huge benefit from it from a parents stand point.  I hear a lot of parents on Christmas saying they stayed up all night putting together the kitchen they bought for their kids or piecing together the Barbie dream house for their daughter.  
I saw this video and I had to share. I love that most of what we buy used comes put together already. We don't have to spend hours following directions that don't make any sense.  Instead, we can enjoy a warm drink in front of the fire and stare at the glowing lights on the Christmas tree.
I'm not a super tree hugger but one of those side benefits is that you don't have the packaging and waste that comes with the doll being bolted in a package six different ways from Sunday!
By buying used, my kids have gotten gifts that we wouldn't otherwise buy for them.  While we can afford to buy a new American Girl doll, I would much rather spend my money on something else that matters far more. My daughter doesn't have an American Girl doll shortage. In fact, over the years, she's had upwards of 10 authentic American Girl dolls. All bought at garage sales for less than $5 each. Does it matter that she didn't have the box that the doll came in? Not once!
Shopping this way requires some forethought. I have had to keep my kids and the things that they like in mind when I'm out garage sale shopping. I don't just buy used gifts at garage sales though. I've been known to pick them up on Craigslist and eBay as well.  
So what do you think? Do you buy used gifts for your kids? Would you even consider it?

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